This isn't your typical election prediction model—we use new methods to determine the outcomes of races down to the margin and break down exactly how each race's history affects expected outcomes. is produced by the Brown Political Review's Data Board. When the Data Board isn't innovating election predictions, our team writes data-driven articles for BPR and creates data visualizations for articles written by BPR's Editorial Board. is the successor to an election model produced by BPR during the previous election cycle featuring a fully revised structure (learn more at our methodology page!)
Please contact us with any questions, ideas, or press inquiries. Our media kit is also available for the press.
Founded by Asher Labovich, is the product of months of effort by a team of Brown students, who we wish to highlight below:
Brown '26
R is Asher's true love.
Brown '27
Ariel was the headshot photographer.
Brown '26
Brown '25
Alex is getting kind of alright at playing drums.
Brown '25
Brown '26
Brown '25
Javier is probably watching multiple soccer matches simultaneously.
Brown '26
Don't tell Asher what Chai did to his model when he wasn't looking.
Brown '26
Jed is concentrating in IAPA at Brown with a focus on national security.
Brown '27
In Nikhil's perfect world, it's all about boba, jazz and great banter!
Brown '27
Brown '26
Brown '26
(endorsement of is not implied through inclusion in this list)
Cook Political Report • Cost of Voting Index • FiveThirtyEight • FRED • UVA Center for Politics